Because of the fear of revolts of Ukrainian farmers in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia, local Kremlin henchmen began to fight in panic hysteria. After all, due to total looting, terror, and confiscation of property, farmers cannot withstand the conditions in which the Kremlin has driven them.
According to the so-called “governor of Zaporizhzhia region” Yevhen Balytskyi, a working meeting was held to decide where to get the money owed for the Ukrainian grain exported to Moscow.
As a reminder, the Russian invaders have created a scheme for selling grain from local farmers, whereby they buy grain through a “state operator” for a penny, effectively stealing it from the owners. Subsequently, it is exported to Russia through the ports of the temporarily occupied Mariupol.
However, the situation with the debt to farmers could lead to riots and problems with the new harvest.
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