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Crimes of the Russian occupation regime in the TOT of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the occupiers, together with representatives of the Russian occupation administrations in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, have been committing heinous crimes that violate international humanitarian law and human rights.

Here are the main types of such crimes:

1. War crimes.

Killings of civilians: There are many cases of violent deaths of civilians, including children, women, and the elderly.

Torture and inhuman treatment: Detention and torture of civilians and prisoners of war.

Use of prohibited means and methods of warfare: The use of cluster bombs and a number of other prohibited munitions.

Attacks on civilian objects: Destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, and other civilian objects. Additionally, the enemy consistently utilizes civilian infrastructure for their military objectives.

Rape and sexual violence: There are known cases of sexual violence against women of all ages and, in some cases, men.

2. Crimes against humanity.

Deportations and forced relocations: Forced displacement of the population from the occupied territories.

Disappearances: The disappearance of persons, in particular those who oppose the occupation regime, without trace.

Ethnic cleansing: Attempts to change the demographic composition of the region by evicting Ukrainians and replacing them with pro-Russian elements.

Restriction of rights and freedoms: Prohibition of the Ukrainian language, culture, education, religion, and persecution of those who preserve Ukrainian identity.

3. Economic crimes

Theft of resources: Extraction and export of minerals, timber, grain, and other resources from the occupied territories.

Property requisitioning: Confiscation of private and public property, including buildings, businesses, and personal and public transportation.

Forced labor: The use of the local population for forced labor without adequate pay and working conditions.

4. Political crimes

Election fraud: Organization of falsified elections and referendums to legitimize the occupation regime.

Persecution of the opposition: Arrests, torture, and murders of political activists, journalists, and public figures.

Propaganda and disinformation: Active dissemination of propaganda and disinformation to manipulate public opinion to justify the crimes of the Russian occupation forces and strengthen the position of the occupation regime in the form of the Russian occupation administration.

5. Environmental crimes

Environmental pollution: Destruction of infrastructure that leads to water, soil, and air pollution.

Destruction of natural resources: Illegal mining and deforestation, which negatively affect the ecosystem of the region.

In conclusion, all these crimes committed by the Russian occupation forces and administrations are gross violations of international law and human rights. They lead to large-scale suffering and losses among the civilian population, destroy the economy and ecology of the regions, and have far-reaching consequences for the future of Ukraine.

The Center of National Resistance reminds all the criminals of the occupation regime that all their crimes are known, recorded, and investigated. And the time will come when you will have to answer for what you have done.

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