Teaching children the basics of UAV piloting, involving schoolchildren and students in military-industrial production is a normal phenomenon for the terrorist state of Russia as well as textbooks on rewritten history and the destruction of Ukrainian books. The Kremlin stubbornly puts all bets on raising such snitches.
UAV piloting competitions among schoolchildren took place in temporarily occupied Skadovsk. Junior schoolchildren (ages 8-12) and high school students fought for the championship.
Well, the list of audacious crimes of Russia is only increasing. Now, in addition to involving children in the production of weapons, the occupiers will also prepare minors for further combat missions.
Such actions of the Russian occupational authorities contradict international norms and standards in the field of education and violate their right to non-intervention in war and protection from military use.
Anyone can stop the policy of the Russian invaders and their collaborators by publicizing their crimes and demanding their international prosecution. You can also participate in rallies in support of Ukraine or donate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.