Invaders use the labor of minors in the TOT of Ukraine

14 labor units were organized in Donbass to work on construction sites. They consist of children and young people who will work in different regions of Russia during the summer.

Participation in such summer “entertainment” has become compulsory and voluntary. Kremlin curators set a plan for local occupation administrations to organize and provide at least a thousand young “volunteers”.

In addition to construction, girls and boys will be involved in field cultivation. They will also have to work as medics in medical institutions.

Meanwhile, the enemy continues to bring young people from Russia to the temporarily occupied territories to participate in propaganda activities. For the summer period, activists of the youth movement of Vladimir Putin’s “Yedinaya Rosiya” party arrived in the TOT of Luhansk region.

The Center of National Resistance warns that cooperation with the enemy is a crime against the state and is punishable by severe penalties. The use of underage labor is also punishable by law.

Anyone can stop the policy of the Russian invaders and their collaborators by publicizing their crimes and demanding their international prosecution. You can also participate in rallies in support of Ukraine or donate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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