New revelations of crimes by collaborator from Antratsyt

Our telegram chatbot has received new information from concerned citizens from the temporarily occupied Donetsk region about the crimes of Kremlin terrorists’ accomplices. It is about Alexander Polozov, responsible for civil defense in the Russian occupation administration of Antratsyt. The collaborator is already known to our readers for collecting information about private business equipment that the invaders take for the construction of defensive lines, and is also responsible for the crowd during the so-called “clean-ups”.

We have now received a package of documents confirming the involvement of the enemy’s Antratsyt henchman in the forced mobilization of local residents into the ranks of the Russian Federation. From his superiors above, Polozov received an order to “ensure the conscription of citizens for military service in the Russian Federation” and a plan to verify the military commissariat’s records with all civilian institutions and enterprises in the Antratsyt district.

The list includes at least 200 enterprises, institutions and organizations of state and private ownership that could potentially join the ranks of the enemy’s army and are ready to send their employees to storm the Donbas reforestations.

Another mobilization resource for the occupation authorities’ local accomplices are those released from prison. They are immediately taken on board.

In addition to collecting data on those who are potentially ready to be used for cannon fodder, the local collaborator had another “honorable” mission – to keep a hidden record of the losses of those who had already taken their own lives by being eliminated by the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

However, the most shocking information is about 53 residents of Bakhmut who disappeared during the evacuation. The invaders took people to the temporarily occupied Luhansk region. We hope that these men and women have managed to get to the territory controlled by Ukraine and are alive, healthy and safe.

And this is only a small part of the documents that confirm the crimes against the state of Ukraine and its citizens by one of the Kremlin’s henchmen, Alexander Polozov. However, thanks to concerned patriots, such traitors will be known in The Hague and the evidence of their criminal activities is enough for several life sentences.

Anyone can stop the policy of the Russian invaders and their collaborators by publicizing their crimes and demanding their international prosecution. You can also participate in rallies in support of Ukraine or donate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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