According to available information, the Russian occupation administration (ROA) continue to legitimize looting and robbery in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of Ukraine. The head of the occupation authorities in the TOT of the Donetsk region, Gauleiter Denis Pushilin, has announced plans to forcibly seize the homes of Ukrainians who have fled the occupation, either to Ukraine-controlled territory or to so-called “unfriendly” countries.
Formally, the occupiers deceitfully claim that this is a “temporary” measure to create a so-called “maneuverable fund” for the “efficient use” of abandoned apartments. However, it is clear that the Russian occupation administration (ROA) has no intention of returning these homes to their rightful owners. This is nothing more than a thinly veiled deception, concealing the true nature of the Russian Federation — to steal, confiscate property, and exploit stolen assets for its own criminal purposes.
The enemy cannot tolerate the fact that Ukrainians refuse to live under occupation. The Kremlin refuses to accept the reality that the residents of the TOT want to remain part of Ukraine rather than become subjects of the invading empire. In response, the occupiers are attempting to erase Ukrainian identity from the TOT by stripping away the property of those who have chosen freedom.
This criminal scheme is not new — the occupiers have already confiscated Ukrainian businesses, land, and other assets from locals who refused to accept a Russian passport. Now, they are attempting to legitimize the theft of private homes. The gauleiters carrying out these arbitrary seizures are merely tools of the occupation regime, serving its broader goal of erasing all traces of Ukraine’s sovereignty over these territories.
You can stop the policy of the Russian invaders and their collaborators by publicizing their crimes and demanding their international prosecution. You can also participate in rallies in support of Ukraine or donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.