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Why the enemy influences the population of the TOT of Ukraine

Experts of the National Resistance Center have repeatedly written materials and conducted a number of studies on the topic of information and propaganda campaigns on the population of the TOT of Ukraine.

Thus, the Russian side exercises propaganda influence, as it is almost the main instrument of the enemy’s policy to ensure control over the occupied territories. The enemy uses all available methods to deliver its distorted information about the activities of the Ukrainian Defense Forces and the Ukrainian military and political leadership in general.

They use the media, social networks, cultural and educational events to change the behavior of their target audience, i.e. public sentiment, to impose their ideology and, most importantly, to strengthen the loyalty of the TOT population to the occupation authorities. Today, the enemy, through its fake entities called the Russian occupation administrations, is manipulating public opinion through disinformation. These are the central elements of this strategy, which the enemy is trying to actively use.

Let’s look at the main types of enemy propaganda mechanisms.

  • Controlled media. Russian media are active in the TOT, spreading the Kremlin’s official version of events. News channels, radio stations, and online platforms cover the conflict in Donbas and the occupation of Crimea from the perspective of Russia, justifying military aggression. The purpose of such channels is to create a negative image of Ukraine, NATO and the West in general, as well as to spread Russian patriotic rhetoric.
  • Social media and the Internet. Social networks play an important role in spreading propaganda, as they allow for active influence on the younger generation. Fake news discrediting the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian Armed Forces is spread through bot farms and paid users. The Kremlin creates the illusion of support for pro-Russian views in these territories and among the Ukrainian population as a whole.
  • Discrediting the Ukrainian government and the Defense Forces. An important area of propaganda is the dissemination of information that discredits the Ukrainian government, including accusations of “fascism” and “Nazism.” The Armed Forces of Ukraine are often presented as aggressors who “annihilate civilians” in the temporary occupied territories. Such messages are accompanied by emotional statements about “genocide” and “war against Russian speakers”.
  • Information isolation. The occupation authorities (ROA) restrict access to independent Ukrainian and international sources of information. This is done by blocking Ukrainian media, Internet resources, and persecuting activists who try to disseminate truthful information. This creates an information vacuum where Russian propaganda becomes the only source of information for a large part of the population.

In this context, we will highlight the goals and consequences of propaganda influence. The main goal of the Kremlin’s information campaign is to maintain control over the minds of the TOT population and create conditions for the integration of these territories into the legal field of the Russian Federation. The long-term effect of this influence may lead to the formation of pro-Russian sentiments among the population and impede the process of reintegration of these territories into Ukraine after de-occupation. At the same time, propaganda influence also has a psychological effect: it contributes to creating a sense of isolation among the local population and increases fear of the return of Ukrainian authorities and strengthens dependence on the Russian state.

To summarize, the enemy’s information and propaganda influence on the population of the TOT of Ukraine is part of a hybrid war that continues not only at the front but also in people’s minds. Propaganda forms false perceptions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, reinforces the division of Ukrainian society and creates obstacles to the reintegration of these territories.

However, despite the complexity of the situation, Ukraine, with international support, records all crimes of the occupation authorities, including cases of information terror and human rights violations in the TOT.

The National Resistance Centre calls for reporting collaborators so that each of them does not escape punishment for crimes against humanity. Anyone can stop the policy of the Russian invaders and their collaborators by publicizing their crimes and demanding their international prosecution. You can also participate in rallies in support ofUkraine or donate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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